photo by Eric Nivelle
Who are we? We are members of the Ojai Valley community who share an interest in reducing the use of toxic substances in both our personal and shared environments, through peaceful and educational means. We include gardeners, families, artists, medical professionals, healers, technology experts, office workers and other folks from all walks of life. We invite like minded residents of the valley to join us, to learn about pesticides and their alternatives, and to contribute to this cause.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to increase understanding and reduce public risks related to pesticde exposure, through education, advocacy and public policy participation. We stand for a healthy living environment (homes, neighborhoods, schools, parks, agricultural and wildlife areas) in the Ojai Valley and beyond.
1st Monday of the month
7:00 pm
Please call for location
All are welcome!
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We are gratefully appreciative!
webmaster: david@dbueh.net